With the imminent release of Rose Matefeo’s brand new romcom Starstruck on BBC
With the imminent release of Rose Matefeo’s brand new romcom Starstruck on BBC Three at the end of April, this coming year marks a watershed moment in broadcasting history with most BBC Three comedy either starring, written by or created by women. BBC Three will be the first UK channel to achieve this landmark in female representation with 58% of long-form scripted comedy written by women. Upcoming titles include Lazy Susan, Starstruck and Ellie and Natasia plus the second series of both In My Skin and Back to Life. In addition to this, the BBC today announces four new BBC Comedy Slices for BBC Three, all of which are written by and/or star female talent: Ladybaby, Amicable, Dinosaur and Britney, which results in the majority of comedy programmes on BBC Three now being female led. Kate Daughton, outgoing Head of Comedy at the BBC, says: Building on the huge success of Phoebe Waller-Bridge and Daisy May Cooper, this marks a monumental achievement and is testament to the fact the most pioneering and exciting new voices in comedy are increasingly female. Kate leaves the Comedy Commissioning team today having made a tremendous impact overseeing a raft of female first titles. Since Kate’s arrival in 2017 she has commissioned and nurtured Fleabag, Mum, Ghosts, Gavin & Stacey: Christmas Special (2019), This Time With Alan Partridge, Back to Life, The Goes Wrong Show, Out of Her Mind, Two Doors Down, In My Skin and Man Like Mobeen. Alongside the forthcoming Witchfinder, Alma’s Not Normal and Stephen Merchant series The Offenders (w/t). Shane Allen, Director of BBC Comedy, says: Five years ago there were still articles asking where all the funny women were. That hoary old nonsense can finally be dispensed with once and for all. It’s a level playing field with the most vibrant and dynamic work coming through from females writers and writer performers who are elevating the art form of comedy and expanding its horizons. As for Kate Daughton, no longer will she curse at me for loud sneezing in the office. Partly because she’s leaving and mostly because we’ve not been in the office. Truly bereft; in denial that she’s off and we’re lucky to have had her for so long. Charlotte Moore, Chief Content Officer, says: Kate’s impeccable taste, whip smart comedy brain and beguiling ways with talent have had a transformative impact on the comedy output in her time here. The fact that BBC Three can claim to be the first UK channel with a majority of female led and written scripted comedy is in large part down to her vision and passion for backing genre defining female creatives. She’ll be sorely missed but thankfully leaves behind a terrific legacy of shows ahead.
主演:Ormsin Supitcha Limsommut,Folk Sutima Kokiatwanit
主演:南希·纳什,莱丝利·曼维尔,考特尼·万斯,特莎·费勒,瑞雯·古德温,尼古拉斯·亚历山大·查韦斯,特拉维斯·凯尔西,米卡埃拉·戴蒙德,杰伊·艾伦·克里斯蒂安森,斯宾塞·格兰斯,Les Mahoney,索菲亚·布伊,Brendan McCarthy,卡莉·罗森博格,克雷格·恩,Warren Sweeney,Robert Gatewood
主演:苏珀·臣查罗恩,安滃·喀萨玛·坎姆塔尼缇,查帕特·孔苏布,Yuyee Alissa Intusmith,Meen Pimchanok Kaewlumyai
主演:琵雅缇达·米提拉荣,萍珐·雅加尼基,帕莎拉瓦琳·蒂姆库尔,玛丽莎·休斯,Jet ATLAS
主演:尹馨,蓝苇华,庄凯勋,安心亚 Amber An,亮哲,张再兴,王自强,蔡明修,陳亮哲,黃漢青
主演:查克里特·布恩辛,Ris Witchayaphong Iamsaard,珀恩彩达·瓦拉帕查拉,兰达帕·蒙塔卢帕
主演:萨朋·阿萨瓦蒙空,萨林·朗那基特,Fluke Nattanon Tongsaeng,提纳潘·挡堆,苏帕功·斯里坡通,萨塔布·莱德克,帕查彤·塔那瓦
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